Once it was agreed I'd do it, I quickly got the face cast done, and sculpted 2 cheek/nasal labial pieces, plus a forehead piece. I didn't want to have a huge pieces to glue down as the boy would be removing the make up him self with the help of his dad. SO I covered what I felt I need to, to get the proper end result.
The sculpts were done on a the face cast then floated off, and remounted on individual molds. I was happy with sculpts and the resulting appliances.
Since there was no chance for me to up keep the makeup once he left my place, I made sure to really seal and secure the make up applied. I used a barrier foam on the skin first then Top Guard from PPI. This gave me a nice surface for gluing too. I used pros aid for the glue down. Once it was blended off, I sealed it all again with pros aid, then 2 passes for Green Marble Selr, drying in between each pass. Then lightly powdered it after.
After this I did a quick couple passes of of Green Marble concentrate as a wrinkle stipple on the eyes. It was the first time I had used it for this purpose and was happy with the results. Definitely want to use this again in the near future to see what I can come up with.
I went onto doing a base of Illustrator with a sponge then used my air brush to do a serious of spatters in different red and brown shades. I also did some finer work with a regular brush. I did a vein tone pass in the deep eye sockets, plus some red finer veins on the upper lids. I did a heavier paint job than normal since the make up would be viewed in a darker setting. I was over all happy with it, but found it too yellow (yellow lights in the area I applied in), though everyone who has critiqued it says they don't feel it is...I still do!
I then laid a full beard and mustache. I gave the beard a quick cut, not too much time spent on styling it. I set it in place with a couple passes of hair spray, then finished it off with some hair whitener in his real hair and eye brows. Next time I will set the facial hair after I do the whitener, as it was hard to brush and blend it into the stiffer hand laid hair. The hair looked fine to the eye, but shows up much whiter in the pic due to the flash reflecting off of it.
In the end the father and son were very pleased, and the make up did what it was suppose to do!