Sunday, October 24, 2010

IMATS LA Silicone Makeup Timelapse - Vancouver Film S...

Ok so here's another timelapse, but this time it's from a silicone makeup demo I did in at the LA IMATS this past June! There was crowd issuses (ie: an insane amount of people!!) and the camera got hit multiple times during the recodring, at one point we just turned it off and continued with the makeup till the crowd got under control. So due to this you will notice a huge gap in the paint process. Still very cool to watch! Enjoy


Bob - TraumaFX said...

You always amaze me! You just keep getting better and better and better. You really set the bar high; I can't wait to see what you do next time!


Michael Nickiforek said...

Thanks Bob!!

Chris M said...

I just wanted to let you know that someone recorded Dick Smith walking around the show because it was his birthday. Your actor bumped into him and he said it was amazing, and asked him if it was done with collodion. THE man didn't even recognize it as an appliance, excellent work!